I write about travel, anarchism, and modern myths lived out by feral children. I study anthropology and do ethnographies of different struggles. I want to splice narrative fiction and non-fiction into ethnography. I want to melt myth into reality and help define the limits of anarchist mythology. I want to know what it means to have an anarchist anthropology. I also want to create stories myself about children, innocence, adventure and the apocalypse.

Home is a huge concept for me. I want to explore the ideas of a fluid home for those that don’t have one in particular. I want to see what qualities make places homes for others and how we can work to create homes for each other.

I’m also a craft-maker, blacksmith and blade-smith and like to create tools and garb that might be seen or read about in myths that are as functional as they are aesthetically pleasing.

Finally I am a adventurer myself and like to explore and document the things I see along the roads, mountains and rivers, in the forests and skies, the places our feet will find even if we look ahead and find the path improbable at best.